February 2020

With almost half our membership enjoying the warmer climates of the southern states, February was a relatively quite month for the Lions.

Members remembered to wear red to the dinner meeting. It was a pot luck meal and we had more than enough delicious food. Sally broughtthe DVD The Hello Girls to turn the meal into dinner theater. The history behind this documentary of the more than 200 female telephone operators who were in Europe and sometimes right at the front was interesting to all.

John and Peter attended the MultiDistrict Conference in Nashua at the end of January and brought with them 232 pairs of glasses to be recycled and $100 worth of toothpaste and toothbrushes to be put into backpacks for the Waypoint Runaway and Homeless Youth Program.

Mark, Peter and Kathy screened 350 students at Plymouth Elementary school as part of Operation Kidsight.

And we had the second meeting of the committee preparing for the Food Packaging Event that will take place in March (Saturday the 28) where Lions and community members will prepare 10,000 individual meals to be distributes to food pantries and shelters in several communities.