May 2021

Things are starting to open up and get busy this month. While we still had our meeting via zoom, we are hoping that we will be able to meet live next month. However, not meeting in person, does not mean we have been inactive.

On Saturday, May 22 a group of eight Lions spent the morning at our “adopted” bunkhouse at Camp Pride. Curtains were hung, mattresses were cleaned, walls were painted and bathrooms were readied for campers. Camp Pride was closed last summer and many renovations were able to be done during the quarantine period. They are looking forward to welcoming all the campers soon.

And on Saturday, May 29 in the rain and cold. Moultonborough Lions collected money for White Cane Day outside of Heath’s Super Market and Hardware Store. A little over $900 was collected for the blind.

We have also donated $1,000 to the Agape Ministries Food Pantry in Moultonborough to purchase personal hygiene and cleaning items for the people who come to the pantry. These items are not available with food stamps and are certainly necessary items.

From Left to Right:  Agape President Kevin Sraughan, Lion Pete Strople, Lion John Menken, Pantry Coordinator Pamela Vaughn, and Janna Straughan, Secretary/Treasurer