We are into the second month of the new Lion year and are so proud to announce that we have three new members. Happiness is having more hands for service projects and for ideas for new service projects. Pete Strople is our greatest ambassador for finding new Lions.
We have two August raffle sales dates. One was on August 17 on a rather cloudy day

and the next will be the last day of August (the 31st). There will be one more Saturday sale in October during Columbus Day weekend. And then — good news — the Holiday Fair is back on (!) and we will be selling the last of the tickets on December 7 prior to drawing the winning ticket for the $5,000 prize.
And speaking of monetary prizes, don’t forget we hold Bingo every Tuesday evening! Calling begins at 6:30; come early to get your packets.
Sutherland Park: we have one and a half more months for Lion members to continue to keep up the flowers and area. We hope people are enjoying it — perhaps bringing some beverages and snacks to enjoy outdoors.
We donated almost $1,600 to four different organizations that provide services to the blind.
In addition to the business meeting on the first Monday of the month, we had a delightful tappas-style dinner meeting on the third Monday of August. Our next business meeting will depart from the usual first Monday because of Labor Day weekend. We will meet at 5 pm on Monday, September 9.