April Meetings

The monthly dinner meeting will be held on Monday, April 15 and will be a pasta dinner prepared by the Bingo Babes.  The cost will be $10.

Monday, April 1 is the date for the next business meeting.  On the agenda is the voting for officers and positions for the coming year.  Below is the list of nominees (Click on  continue reading to see the list).  If you would like to nominate someone or run for one of the offices yourself, please contact Joe Keegan, Club Secretary to get added to the list.

President:  Naomi Strickland

1st Vice President:  Don Grow

2nd Vice President:  Alice Krysiak

Secretary:  Pat Strickland

Treasurer:  Joe Keegan

Asst. Treasurer:  Mike Lancor

Tail Twister:  Ann Forts

Lion Tamer:  Pat Keegan

Director One Year:  Sally Sibulkin

Director One Year:  Don Trudeau

Director Two Years:  Debbie Krysiak

Membership Co-Director:  Kate Lancor

Membership Co-Director:  Alice Krysiak

Bicentennial Trustee:  Pat Strickland

Bicentennial Trustee:  Sally Sibulkin

Bicentennial Trust Chair:  Marion Powers

Program Director:  Mike Lancor