End of Year Awards

Moultonborough Lion, Betty Wasson president over the first half of the June Dinner meeting to swear in the new officers for the 2019-20 fiscal year. : President Peter Allen, 1st Vice President John Menken, 2nd Vice President Susan Price, Secretary Sally Silbulkin, Treasurer Dawn Law, Immediate Past President Mark Cotrupi, Tail Twister Pat Keegan, Lion Tamer Michelle Duddy, and Board Member(s) Don Trudeau, Pete Strople, Joe Keegan, Joanne Lau and Karen Baron.

President Peter Allen then gave membership chevrons, for years of service with the Moultonborough Lions Club to: Betty Wasson 40 yrs., Sandy Meskys 25 yrs., Kate & Mike Lancor and Joe & Pat Keegan 20 yrs. and Lloyd Connery 10 yrs.

After giving certificates to those members who had attended at least twelve meetings and performed a minimum of 20 hours of service to the community (himself, Mark Cotrupi, Michelle Duddy, Pat Keegan, Joe Keegan, Joanne Lau, Dawn Law, John Menken, Sally Sibulkin, Pete Strople and Don Trudeau) — by the way, one should note that many of these people put in over 100 hours of service — Peter came to the three large awards of the year:

Melvin Jones Fellowship Award, Mark Cotrupi
Lion of the Year, Sally Sibulkin
Granite State Award, Pete Strople

Awards & Officers/Directors for 2014-15

At the June dinner meeting, all officers were sworn in by PDG Wayne Bowden.  They are as follows: President – John Menken; Secretary – Pat Strickland; Treasurer – Joe Keegan; First Vice-President – Jen Williams; Board of Directors — Don Trudeau, Jack Weinmann, Sally Sibulkin, and Mike Lancor; Membership Chair — Kate Lancor; Lion Tamer – Pat Keegan; Tail Twister – Anne Forts; Bicentennial Trustees:  Marion Powers (Chair), Pat Strickland, Sally Sibulkin.

new officers

Also at the meeting five Moultonborough Lions who have died this past year were remembered:  Ed Dobson, Barbara Conery, MaryAnn Weinman, Pat Eastman, and Jim Zelek.

In addition to perfect attendance pins to several members, three awards were presented:

The Good Shepherd Award to Naomi Strickland.

The Lion of the Year Award to Marion Powers.

And the prestigious Melvin Jones Award to Joe Keegan.

Melvin Jones -14


Melvin Jones Honorees

Lions Clubs worldwide recognize outstanding individual members by bestowing on them an award named for the founder of Lionism, Melvin Jones.  This award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism.  The recipient of this award, chosen by past honorees is a model of exemplary service to his club and the community which it serves.

We are proud to have within our past and current membership at least eight individuals who have received the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.  Pictured below are Mike Lancor (’11), Betty Wasson, and in the group photo (from left to right): Ed Dobson, Pat Strickland, Jim Guppy, Bob Purdy, Charlie Strickland and George Costello.

Lancor_Mike'11  Wasson_Marion
