End of Year Awards

Moultonborough Lion, Betty Wasson president over the first half of the June Dinner meeting to swear in the new officers for the 2019-20 fiscal year. : President Peter Allen, 1st Vice President John Menken, 2nd Vice President Susan Price, Secretary Sally Silbulkin, Treasurer Dawn Law, Immediate Past President Mark Cotrupi, Tail Twister Pat Keegan, Lion Tamer Michelle Duddy, and Board Member(s) Don Trudeau, Pete Strople, Joe Keegan, Joanne Lau and Karen Baron.

President Peter Allen then gave membership chevrons, for years of service with the Moultonborough Lions Club to: Betty Wasson 40 yrs., Sandy Meskys 25 yrs., Kate & Mike Lancor and Joe & Pat Keegan 20 yrs. and Lloyd Connery 10 yrs.

After giving certificates to those members who had attended at least twelve meetings and performed a minimum of 20 hours of service to the community (himself, Mark Cotrupi, Michelle Duddy, Pat Keegan, Joe Keegan, Joanne Lau, Dawn Law, John Menken, Sally Sibulkin, Pete Strople and Don Trudeau) — by the way, one should note that many of these people put in over 100 hours of service — Peter came to the three large awards of the year:

Melvin Jones Fellowship Award, Mark Cotrupi
Lion of the Year, Sally Sibulkin
Granite State Award, Pete Strople

November came in like a Lion…literally

Reading in the Schools with a tail twist:  On October 2, Dawn Law (in the Lion costume) and Christine Woodland represented the Lions during Mystery Reader Day in the Kindergarten classrooms at Moultonborough Central School.  I am not sure who had more fun — the readers or the children who were fascinated by the lion.

We also found out that we received an award for First Place Adopt a Spot for our work on upper Sutherland Park.  Pete went to the Selectmen’s meeting to receive the award …

We think the Police and Fire Scarecrows were the clinchers — so thanks to Sarah and Chris.  But also thanks to all the other members of the committee who weeded, watered and planted the area!

Our dinner meeting on the 19th was quite exciting.  CANINE COMPANIONS FOR INDEPENDENCE came to give us a wonderful and informative presentation.  Starting with being fostered by volunteers and their families, these dogs, as early as 9 weeks old are socialized in all sorts of environments.  When ready, they are sent to Long Island, New York for very specific training.  The last two weeks of this training is done with the new owner of the dog.  These specific dogs — Labs, Golden Retrievers or a mix of the two — are not sight dogs for the blind.  Instead they are skilled companions or service dogs for adults or children with disabilities.  The largest dog pictured below with his owner can fetch the phone or many other items, turn the lights on and off, and even pull the wheelchair.  Other dogs are facility dogs, dogs who help with PTSD owners, and dogs who assist the deaf.  For more information go online at http://www.cci.org.

June 2018 — the end of the Lion Year

Although I was gone for the first half of the month, the Moultonborough Lions Club continued its service work and I am proud to record what happened this month.

For the third year in a row, we purchased new books and distributed them to each student in the three elementary schools in our service area.  In March, during Dr. Seuss Week, we gave books to students at Sandwich Central School.  On June 11, Lions Mark, John, and Pete (in the Lion suit), gave out 74 hardcover books to the students at Tuftonboro Elementary School.

A few days later we repeated the process at Moultonborough Central School when Lions John, Don, Kathy, Peter, Joe, Pete, and Pat delivered 276 hardcover books to students in Pre L through grade 6.  This event brought the total of new books given to elementary students to 479.

In addition, major awards were presented and new officers (for the 2018-19 Lion Year) were inducted by outgoing District Governor, Sam Longbrook.

Lion of the Year Lloyd Conery 

The Fidelco Loyal Shepherd Fellow (given to Lions dedicated service in all aspect of assistance for the blind) was present to Joe and Pat Keegan.








Granite State Award for exceptional service to his NH Community at the local and state level was presented  to Peter Allen.

And the Highest Award in Lionism, the Melvin Jones Award to Sandy Meskys.  The recipient of this award is a model of exemplary service to her club and the community which it serves.

Also the photo below is of most of the newly elected and inducted officers and board of directors (left to right: Don Trudeau, Board; Joe Keegan, Board; Pat Keegan, Tail Twister;, Karen Barron, Board; Sam Longbrook, District Governor; Peter Allen, President, John Menken, first vice-president; Dawn Law, Treasurer; Mark Cotrupi, Immediate Past President and Membership Chairman).  Not present were Pete Strople, second vice-president; Sally Sibulkin, Secretary, Michelle Duddy, Lion Tamer, and Joanne Lau, Board

Awards and Installation of Officers

At the June dinner meeting, PDG Stanley Brothers inducted the officers for the 2017-18 year.  Pictured below from left to right are Stanley Brothers, President Mark Cotrupi, Secretary Sally Sibulkin, Treasurer Dawn Law, First Vice-President Peter Allen and Tail Twister Pat Keegan.  Missing is Second VP Pete Strople.

In addition, several Moultonborough Lions were recognized for their contributions over the past year.

Lion of the Year was awarded to Dawn Law and Peter Strople (not pictured).

Good Shepherd Award was presented to Don Trudeau.

The Granite State Award was received by Mark Cotrupi and Sally Sibulkin

And the highest award in Lionism, the Melvin Jones award was given to Pat Keegan

January and February

It seems as though January was the month of meetings for Lions. On Thursday, January 28, John Menken, Jeni Williams, Pat Strickland, and Sally Sibulkin attended the Zone meeting in Wakefield. According to the Zone Chairperson, it was the best attended Zone meeting in a while. The next Zone meeting will be in Wolfeboro in March – the Green on Green meeting, corned beef and cabbage dinner, and bidding on items wrapped in green.

Then the weekend immediately following was the Multi-District Convention in Nashua. Jeni Williams and Sally Sibulkin attended and came back with some good information and contacts. By the way, we were one of only nine clubs to submit a Peace Poster. The committee framed a copy of our club winner’s poster which we will ask to have hung at MCS to help publicize the 2016 contest

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At the dinner, letters nominating Lions for the Lions Academy Awards of Recognition were read. Our club, as you can see from the page in the program, had two letters: one for John Menken for Lifeboat Lion and one for Joe and Pat Keegan for Best Supporting Lion. While neither one the trophy, we are proud to have them mentioned and honored. They were in excellent company.


Also in January, we had to cancel the dinner meeting because of weather.

February’s dinner will be Pot Luck (as Donna is away) with a Valentine decorations on Monday February 15.

Induction of New Officers and Award Recipients

At the June 15, 2015 dinner meeting, 1st Vice District Governor Elect, Al Goldstein inducted the 2015-2016 new slate of officers: President Jeni Williams, Vice-President Mark Cotrupi, 2nd Vice-President Peter Strople (who was unable to attend the meeting), Treasurer Joe Keegan, Secretary Sally Sibulkin, Membership Chairman Dawn Law, Tail Twister Anne Forts and Lion Tamer Pat Keegan…

And the following AWARDS were presented — not all the recipients received the “real” plaque, however.  Some were in the mail, so with some quick thinking on behalf of some of the officers a paper copy was awarded




Loyal Shepherd Fellowship (FIDELCO)Ed and Sandy Meskys…for dedicated service in all aspects of assistance for the blind

Granite State Awards Patricia Keegan…for her exceptional service to the citizens of the State of New Hampshire; a true humanitarian, and an untiring worker for the Moultonborough Lions and community.                                    and…

Don Trudeau…for his volunteer service at LRGHealthcare, the Boston Marathon, Squam Lake, and the Meredith Rotary as will as all he accomplishes with the Lions.

Lion of the YearJohn Menken…who quickly and competently stepped up to the leadership “plate” and, as president, led the Club in many new projects and served as a calming and positive figure.

Melvin Jones FellowJack Weinmann – for his positive dedication, his humanitarian services, and his willingness to serve others.

Retiring Secretary Award for Pat Strickland for her note-taking and record keeping talents and her dedication to Lionism.

April and May Happenings


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SPEAKERS:  Our dinner meeting featured speakers in April was Moultonborough Police Chief Leonard  Wetherbee who gave a very interesting, personal, and informative presentation in April.



Moultonborough Fire Chief, David Bengtson, who spoke in May and presented a slide show of the history of the fire department in town and a look at some local fire incidents, and how the budget is used for equipment and uniform replacement.





Awards and Recognition:

In April, Sandy Meskys (on the left) was honored for her 20 years as a Lion with a chevron pin.  It should also be noted that she has had perfect attendance for 20 years as well.

At the May dinner meeting, Betty Wasson (photo on the right) was recognized for her 35 years of leadership and service as a Lion.



Awards & Officers/Directors for 2014-15

At the June dinner meeting, all officers were sworn in by PDG Wayne Bowden.  They are as follows: President – John Menken; Secretary – Pat Strickland; Treasurer – Joe Keegan; First Vice-President – Jen Williams; Board of Directors — Don Trudeau, Jack Weinmann, Sally Sibulkin, and Mike Lancor; Membership Chair — Kate Lancor; Lion Tamer – Pat Keegan; Tail Twister – Anne Forts; Bicentennial Trustees:  Marion Powers (Chair), Pat Strickland, Sally Sibulkin.

new officers

Also at the meeting five Moultonborough Lions who have died this past year were remembered:  Ed Dobson, Barbara Conery, MaryAnn Weinman, Pat Eastman, and Jim Zelek.

In addition to perfect attendance pins to several members, three awards were presented:

The Good Shepherd Award to Naomi Strickland.

The Lion of the Year Award to Marion Powers.

And the prestigious Melvin Jones Award to Joe Keegan.

Melvin Jones -14


50th Anniversary Celebration a Success!

The Club’s 50th Anniversary dinner celebration was held last Saturday evening to a crowd of about 76 people — members of the club as well as visiting club members and dignitaries at the State and International levels. A slide show of past memories played through the cocktail hour which was followed by a delicious dinner prepared by Curt’s Caterers.

After the dinner three new members were inducted into the club: Michelle and Christopher Shipp and John Menken. Mike and Kate Lancor were their sponsors.
new members 10:26:13 Oct induction

Pins for continuubg membership in the Moultonborough Club were awarded for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 years.

Anne Forts received the Granite State Fellowship Award. Pat Strickland received a Progressive (for an individual who has received this honor at least once in the past) Granite State Fellowship Award.
Anne Forts Award 2 Pat Strickland award

June Dinner Meeting

At last week’s June dinner meeting –delicious pot roast — the new officers were installed for the 2013-2014 year.  Sandy Meskys has “retired” from her six years as treasurer and was awarded a plaque for her dedicated service and putting up with all the difficulties associated with that office.  Also honored were Bob and Elaine Zewski who received the Lions of the Year Award for all that they contribute to the Club, especially the many hours spent on the raffle, our major fundraiser. ( I apologize for the fuzzy photo of the Zewskis.)

new officers:board      Sandy Meskys honored

Lions of the Year